Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities are struggling to find their niche, amid the ongoing protests

(October 31, 2019) Mark is one of the few regular non-Chinese faces at Hong Kong protests this year.  As Tsim Sha Tsui, one of the racially diverse districts in Hong Kong, was devoured by a sea of black on Sunday, the 26-year-old half-Filipino and half-Pakistani university graduate stood out in a mustard-yellow shirt and a … More Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities are struggling to find their niche, amid the ongoing protests

My Father

I have to say he looks amazingly indeterminate for a 55-year-old guy. Look at that hilarious fringe of silver hair waving white flag around his balding, mottled scalp. The grey grooves in his pinwheel eyes were framed by bushy salt and pepper eyebrows. His geographical but still mobile face is scattered with wrinkles equivalent to … More My Father

My Mother (poem)

My mother with hair of flashing comets With worries of the flight from Hong Kong to Texas With the weight light as straw My mother with the waist of a toothpick sliding between the gap of crocodile’s teeth With shoulders of hardened concrete And a skull of non-stop motorcycle driving on the boulevard of broken … More My Mother (poem)

A review of the terms of the current Private Recreational Lease is needed so as to achieve overall fairness in the society

(Opinion piece for school work – 5th December, 2018) Lately, the question of whether the 172-hectare Fanling golf club should be recalled for housing development after its tenancy expires in 2020 remains a dilemma for the Development Bureau. According to a poll conducted by the Democratic Party between December and January this year, 56% of … More A review of the terms of the current Private Recreational Lease is needed so as to achieve overall fairness in the society

Mong Kok’s pedestrian zone: the antagonism between street performers, residents and vendors

Video: Elly Wu, Melanie Japson     Photos and captions:  Melanie Japson Text: Erin Chan From daytime weekdays to night time weekends, the pedestrian zone of Mongkok has been taken over by the bustling crowd of curious people, coming to catch a glimpse of the multi-talented street performers. Performers ranging from musicians singing upbeat songs, … More Mong Kok’s pedestrian zone: the antagonism between street performers, residents and vendors

Is new technology or new media changing the nature or role of international news?

In 2006, the prophecy of the end of printed press already existed. The Economist sums up its grim future in one sentence: Who Killed Newspaper? International news has evolved sweepingly over the years, and people are blending in with different avant-garde media platforms unconsciously. From Starbucks’ and McDonald’s, pavements to anywhere humans belong, people can … More Is new technology or new media changing the nature or role of international news?

Is it really sad to be a hot person in the wheelchair?

See how wheelchair users use a hashtag to fight against backlashes on their appearance on social media Sometimes, the level of hotness that a person embodies is more dependent on the mentality than physical appearance. Therefore, many of wheelchair users have started posting selfies of themselves boldly in chic outfits with the #HotPersonInAWheelchair hashtag on … More Is it really sad to be a hot person in the wheelchair?